Jaiminee Jhankar and Dr. Rashmi Mohapatra
Born in the lap of nature and natural climate, tribal people still prefer to reside amidst natural surroundings, hilly and remote inaccessible dense forests, untouched by the trace of modernity. Large sections of tribal society do not have access to modern health care facilities and advanced allopathic medicine. Out of several pockets of the tribal population, Nuapada is one of the most undeveloped district of Odisha, but known to harbor rich ethno medicinal plants resources. The tribal people of Nuapada possess substantial indigenous traditional knowledge associated with herbal medicines; as well the local healers have been practicing to heal several diseases. In this study, we report the medicinal plants and their parts used to treat several diseases and disorders by the people of Nuapada District. A comprehensive ethno botanical data was collected from local tribal healers through group discussion as well as individual interaction with local vaidyas, assisted by field validation. The present investigation was carried out within 25 villages and 94 medicinal plants belonging to 52 families were collected, identified, and documented.
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