Pushpendra Singh and MK Bhargava
Black gram (Vigna mungo L. Hepper) is one of the most important pulse crops, grown throughout the country. The productivity of Black gram is low because of non-adoption of available technologies by the farmers. In this view Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Shivpuri conducted 200 demonstrations at farmers field of Shivpuri district during the last 4 years i.e., from 2017-18 to 2020-21 through integrated crop management (ICM). It revealed that increase in crop yield was found due to variation in agro-climatic situations under rain fed condition. The result showed that, an average highest yield of FLDs plots of Black gram by adopting ICM technology was 8.54 q/ha compared to farmers practice (6.60 q/ha). Adoption of improved production technology increased the yield 25.39 per cent over farmer practices. The average technological gap, extension gap and technological index were noticed 3.58 q/ha, 1.94 q/ ha and 29.39 per cent respectively. The average net profit of Rs. 23966 per ha was recorded under FLDs plot over Rs 14200 per ha under farmer practice. The higher average grain yield was recorded in demonstration plots over the years compared to local check due to increased knowledge and adoption of full package of practices. However, year wise fluctuation in yield was observed which might be attributed to climatic fluctuations in different years.
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