Smita Dutta Paul
A perfect scientific medical science by the name of Ayurveda is a gift given by our ancestors which deals with our daily activities to annual activities which help us to maintain our physical and mental health. Many diseases and their treatment have been described by them, some of which are not present today and some still exist. As new diseases arrived in the Indian subcontinent during the period, they came to India through invaders or traders, they were described by our ancestors with their pathogenesis, signs and symptoms, complication, prognosis and treatment. One of them is Phirang rog, which came from Europe, was not found in our scriptures before 16th century. Presently its compatibility with the Syphilis disease can be seen. Timely diagnosis and treatment is necessary to prevent the spreading of disease and the development of irreversible tissue damage. In Syphilis RPR (Rapid Plasma Reagin), VDRL (Venereal Disease Reasearch Laboratory Test), FTA-ABS (Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody Absorption), TP-PA (Treponema Pallidum Particle Agglutination assay), Darkfield microscopy are advised for diagnosis. This study has been done to prove the usefulness of VDRL in the diagnosis of Phirang rog.
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