Lekshmy MS and Mallya Suma
About: Phyllanthus reticulatus Poir of the family Phyllanthaceae a widely growing shrub with wide medicinal uses. Leaves and stem parts are used as best wound healing agents whereas edible berries are used as blood purifiers and stem pieces as tooth-brushing sticks.
Materials and Methods: The matured plant is selected leafy twigs along with fruits are collected, macro-microscopic and phytochemical. Physicochemical study and HPTLC were conducted as per standard methodology.
Results: Oval leaf, glabrescent pink flower and woody stem are macroscopic features. The histology of the leaf shows the presence of palisade and spongy parenchyma with three layers of collenchyma in between. Stem microscopy shows trichomes at the epidermal region in between collenchyma. Anther, trichomes, pollen grains, fibers in bundles, oleoresin cells and cork cells are features of powder microscopy. Steroids, carbohydrates, tannins, and phenols found as secondary metabolites. Physicochemical standards and HPTLC recorded represent purity and prime chemicals of test drug.
Conclusion: Standard illustrative Pharmacognostic monograph prepared on this drug mark as its quality standard.
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