Rajashree Das, Shrestha Das Mahapatra, Mihir Tanay Das and Ranindra Kumar Nayak
The presence of phytochemicals is not uncommon in the species belonging to the genus Curcuma owing to its medicinal properties. It is used since ancient times in a variety of Indian medications. Being edible, it also serves to supply the body with protein and carbohydrates besides other nutrients present in it. The study was undertaken to determine the composition of carbohydrate, protein and phytochemicals of some selected species of Curcuma viz., C. longa, C. caesia, C. aromatica, C. amada and C. angustifolia collected from the Northern coastal region of Odisha, India. The present study reveals that among these species highest amount of protein was present in Curcuma longa (48.79%) whereas highest amount of carbohydrate was present in Curcuma angustifolia (20.36%). Alkaloid, Glycoside and phenolics are the common secondary metabolites present in all these five Curcuma species.
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