Gitanjali Pandit, Krishna Satasiya, Pooja Khanpara and Dr. Shital Faldu
A pH indicator is a halochromic chemical compound added in small amount of solution like acidic or basic to determine the physical property of the solution. Generally, in acid-base titration synthetic indicators are used to identify colour change at different pH intervals. Many herbs exhibit natural colour pigment which help to identify pH naturally. Hereby, we discuss few herbs like Rose, Beetroot and Red Cabbage, to replace synthetic pH indicators. Synthetic indicator causes chemical and environmental pollution, they are toxic, costly, and rarely available. Water extract of Rose, Beetroot and Red Cabbage shows sharp and intense colour change in comparison to standard synthetic indicators like Methyl Orange, Phenolphthalein, Methyl Red etc. Herbal indicators are non-toxic, pollution free, cost effective, and easily available at home also.
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