PN Olotu, IA Olotu, T Datok and TI Famojuro
Palms belong to Arecaceae family and are the most acknowledged and extensively dispersed variety of productive tree throughout the globe that has given a large scale range for edibles and remedies to Homo sapiens. The aim of the groundwork was to record the several multifariousness of palms used as culinary and drugs in Karu, Nigeria and to find out the empirical authentication for the abundant plant-derived constituents that could explicate its native values as professed by the people in the vicinity. Individuals that are perceived by the people of Karu to have enormous proficiency and mastery in herbal practices were contacted by oral korero on the various categories of palms used for the control of vast group of ailments and the inputs assembled were recorded for further justification. Outcome of the discovery indicated that, distinct heterogeneity of palms used by the people includes: Oil palm tree, coconut palm tree, African fan palm tree, African fan palm shrub and date palm tree. These palms were used as therapy for a wide range of diseases and ailments such as: Poisoning, blurred vision, skin problems, heart diseases, high blood pressure, weakness, dehydration, brain dysfunctions, constipations, hemorrhage, mouth sores, inflammation, infertility, tumors, asthma and infections. The variations of palms used were picked out and documented by their respective scientific names, English names, and vernacular names.
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