Arpit Dwivedi, Shourya Pratap, Srishti Awasthi, Priyanka Gautam and Afreen Kadir
Background: Calotropis gigantea, belonging to the Asclepiadaceae family, is a perennial herb in question that has been used in the field of traditional medicine for an extensive duration. The botanical specimen in question has been shown to produce a wide array of chemical compounds, including but not limited to cardiac glycosides, flavonoids, terpenoids, alkaloids, tannins, and resins seen in the management of a diverse range of medical conditions, including leprosy, ulcers, tumors, and piles.
Objectives: The compounds under investigation exhibit various pharmacological activities, including analgesic, antipyretic, pregnancy interceptive, central nervous system (CNS), anti-inflammatory, procoagulant, anti-diarrheal, free radical scavenging, antimicrobial, anti-tumor, antifungal, antitussive, and antifeedant activities are among the pharmacological activities reported. It is a weed plant usually known as enormous milkweed. It contains one of the most essential traditional remedies for treating various diseases. The primary goal of this research on Calotropis gigantea is a plant that may be identified as an example in this context. The present study investigates the systematic categorization, introduction of plants, investigation of morphological characteristics, composition of phytochemicals, and economic importance of Calotropis gigantea. Calotropis gigantea, a shrub or small tree, has a bare or hoary characteristic and possesses laticiferous properties. It is well recognized by the popular names "swallow-wort" or "milkweed." Calotropis is a botanical species often used in traditional medicine Cardenolides, flavonoids, terpenes, pregnanes, and nonprotein amino acids are chemical components of C. gigantea. The latex, leaves, blossoms, bark, and root are also used as a caustic, acrid, expectorant, depilatory, and anthelmintic, and are beneficial in leprosy, scabies, and ringworm of the scalp, piles, and other conditions.
Conclusion: The review focuses on the pharmacokinetic and pharmacotherapeutic approaches of the herbs and primarily studies the parameters hepatic protectant effect of the substance.
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