Dr. Srujan Suresh Khebudkar, Dr. Sandeep V Patil, Dr. Madaudaalam S Mujawar
It is stated that Atisar is associated with diarrhea in current research. Ayurveda defines Atisar meaning Ati (much) and Saranam (Flow) meaning excessive stool in both volume and frequency. According to mythology, Atizal started by eating the meat of cows and bulls. The cow and cow have agnidushti due to their Guru and Ushna Guna. Bhayu, Shoka etc. Some Mansika Dohas like create Atisar Krimi, which is one of the main causes of Atisar. In Ayurvedic science, the main cause of Atisar is agnidushti and the main source of Agni is Grahani. It is between amashaya and pakwashaya. In the case of Mandani, digestion of food does not occur at all. This led to the creation of haenyeo. Ama is considered a poison or disease that causes all kinds of diseases. This causes the effects of vatas like Amma, samanvata and Aparnavata Dushti.
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