Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 8, Issue 6 (2019)
Under the foldscope: Relatively inexpensive tool for understanding down-to-earth applications in plant sciences
N Sundari Devi, Thoudam Santosh Singh, Senjam Jinus S, Sukham Joybi Singh, Tracila Meinam, Lourembam Sanajaoba Singh, Mutum Seityavhani Devi, O Premila Chanu, RK Imotomba Singh and Thiyam Jefferson Singh
The super-cheap easy-to-use paper-based foldscope has been travelling around the world since the past decades, thereby making them operational in lab-field-based applications. In this review, we have recognized the requirements for the use of this tool in the fields of plant science and especially where measurements must be rapid, cheap and easy to access wherever we go. This new microscope doesn’t require any special labels and could help increase access to low-cost plant science diagnostic testing tool and would be beneficial in developing parts of the world where there is meagre access to agricultural science lab and few high-tech diagnostic facilities. Moreover, current challenges and future perspectives are discussed to provide recommendations for further research in plant sciences.
Pages: 30-34 | 5409 Views 1020 Downloads
N Sundari Devi, Thoudam Santosh Singh, Senjam Jinus S, Sukham Joybi Singh, Tracila Meinam, Lourembam Sanajaoba Singh, Mutum Seityavhani Devi, O Premila Chanu, RK Imotomba Singh and Thiyam Jefferson Singh. Under the foldscope: Relatively inexpensive tool for understanding down-to-earth applications in plant sciences. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2019;8(6):30-34.