Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Special Issue 6 (2017)
Effect of sequencial application of metribuzin on growth and yield of soybean
MD Tuti, TK Das and V Sunitha
A field experiment was conducted for two years at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, to evaluate sequential applications [pre-emergence (PRE) followed by post-emergence (POST)] of metribuzin on weed control in soybean. All metribuzin applications irrespective of PRE and PRE + POST applications caused a considerable reduction in weed competition in soybean compared to unweeded check. In 2006, metribuzin 0.5 kg/ha PRE resulted in the lowest weed index (WI) (6.3%), and was superior to rest of the treatments. However, in 2007, metribuzin 0.5 kg/ha PRE (14.9%), metribuzin 0.25 kg/ha PRE (17.3%) and pendimethalin 0.75 kg/ha PRE (16.6%) gave similar WI. Metribuzin 0.5 kg/ha pre-emergence was comparable with weed-free check on soybean seed yield in first year. Metribuzin 0.25 kg/ha PRE + metribuzin (0.1 kg/ha, 200 l/ha, 20 DAS) POST was the next best combination resulting higher soybean yield through concurrent reduction in weed growth.
Pages: 13-17 | 2457 Views 390 Downloads
MD Tuti, TK Das and V Sunitha. Effect of sequencial application of metribuzin on growth and yield of soybean. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(6S):13-17.