Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Special Issue 6 (2017)
Study about the Signs of Illness Experienced By Farmers When Exposed To the Agrochemicals (Pesticides)
S Lokesh Babu, DD Suradkar and PA Ghadage
An agrochemical is a chemical product used in agriculture. An agrochemical is any substance used to help manage an agricultural ecosystem or the community of organisms in a farming area. Agrochemicals include: (1) fertilizers, (2) liming and acidifying agents, (3) soil conditioners, (4) pesticides and (5) chemicals used in animal husbandry, such as antibiotics and hormones. Pesticides are designed to (in most cases) kill pests. Many pesticides can also pose risks to people. Generally, however, people are likely to be exposed to only very small amounts of pesticides – too small to pose a risk. The present study was conducted to know the signs of illness when affected by pesticides. The present study was conducted in Nanded district of Maharashtra with 120 respondents for study. The study revealed the illness signs as follows Excessive sweating (75.00%), Burning of eyes (60.00%), Dehydration (55.00%), Vomiting (53.33%), Whirling sensation (48.33%), Blurred vision (45.00%), Fatigue (38.33%), Excessive salivation (36.66%), Headache (33.33%), Redness of skin (26.66%), Burning nose (23.33%) and cough (15.00%).
Pages: 30-33 | 2714 Views 441 Downloads
S Lokesh Babu, DD Suradkar and PA Ghadage. Study about the Signs of Illness Experienced By Farmers When Exposed To the Agrochemicals (Pesticides). J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(6S):30-33.