Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Special Issue 6 (2017)
Nutrient management in soybean: A review
Raghuveer and Keeerti
Soybean (
Glycine max) contains 40-42% protein and 20-22% oil and it is one of the major rainy season cash crop and its cultivation is fast spreading in India. Still the productivity of the crop is very low in India (1079 kg ha
-1). Nutrition imbalance is one of the important constraints for low productivity soybean in India. Proper nutrient management is one of the ways to enhance the soybean productivity. Nutrient management plans document available nutrient sources, production practices, and other management practices that influence nutrient availability, crop productivity and environmental stewardship. Integration of organic manures, inorganic fertilizers and biological sources and their efficient management has shown promise in not only sustaining the productivity and soil health but also in meeting part of crops nutrients requirement.
Pages: 137-142 | 2516 Views 668 Downloads
Raghuveer and Keeerti. Nutrient management in soybean: A review. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(6S):137-142.