Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Special Issue 6 (2017)
Screening of single cross hybrids and inbred lines of maize for Turcicum Leaf Blight (Excerohilum turcicum) under artificial epiphytotic conditions
Siddharth Panda, Mruthunjaya C Wali, RM Kachapur and SI Harlapur
Turcicum Leaf Blight (TLB) caused by
Exserohilum turcicum is a major foliar disease of maize in Karnataka with yield losses upto 70% under severe cases. In the context of developing tolerant genotypes against this disease an experiment was conducted using 16 CIMMYT and IIMR germplasm lines selected based on their test weight and
per se performance and were crossed with 3 testers (CM-111,CM-500 & PA-15) to produce 48 experimental hybrids in Line X Tester design. These hybrids along with the parents were sown in Kharif 2016 at Main Agricultural Research Station (MARS), UAS, Dharwad to study the disease reaction against TLB. Scoring was done using 1 to 5 scale (Payak & Sharma, 1983), where 1 being highly resistant and 5 being highly susceptible. The performance of these lines and hybrids were compared with the resistant check CI-4 and susceptible check CM-202. Artificial inoculation was done in the leaf whorls with grounded TLB infected leaves at 45 days after sowing and were scored at silk drying stage. Hybrids GH-1518, GH-1523 and lines P-4,P-5,P-6 were found to be highly resistant while the hybrids GH-1540, GH-1541and line P-8, P-15 showed highly susceptible reaction. This information can be useful for selection of parents and to develop tolerant hybrids in breeding programs or utilize them as source of resistance.
Pages: 168-170 | 2048 Views 441 Downloads
Siddharth Panda, Mruthunjaya C Wali, RM Kachapur and SI Harlapur. Screening of single cross hybrids and inbred lines of maize for Turcicum Leaf Blight (Excerohilum turcicum) under artificial epiphytotic conditions. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(6S):168-170.