Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Special Issue 6 (2017)
Factors effecting E-readiness of students and teachers in agricultural Universities of India
Dr. T Srinivas, Dr. TV Sridhar, Dr. P Punna Rao and Dr. T Ramesh Babu
Agricultural professionals in India have an important role in developing and dissemination of agricultural technologies to enhance the productivity of the farming community. But to implement strategic initiatives into effectual function, they must be e- ready. A congenial eco system needs to be created for effective implementation of ICT enabled Agriculture. Hence the present study investigated the preparedness of the teachers and students of Agricultural Universities to adopt and implement ICT enabled education for quality education. In this study e-readiness is defined as the extent of Awareness, Accessibility and Usage of ICTs in agricultural education system. One thousand and fifty one students and two hundred fifty teachers were randomly chosen from the seven universities of India namely ANGRAU, S.V. Veterinary University, Dr. YSR Horticultural University, PJTSAU, Bihar Agricultural University, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University and Birsa Agricultural University. The data regarding the e readiness of the students and teachers of different universities was assessed in terms of Awareness, Accessibility and Usage of 12 ICT tools such as interactive white board, computer, Projector, Television, Video conference, Teleconference, E – Portfolio, Wi-Fi, digital student report card, Virtual class rooms, e- library and University web site and also the factors influencing the e readiness of teachers and students was analyzed for different universities. All the three universities showed a similar trend with respect to Awareness, Accessibility and Usage of ICT tools by the students and by the teachers. This might be due to the fact that all the three Universities followed similar guidelines and procedures in their education system. The Usage of ICT tools was comparatively lower. This may be attributed to high work load, low availability of e resources, low organizational support. Their performance may not be linked directly or indirectly to the Usage of ICT. Both students and teachers prioritized Internet speed as a limiting factor for e readiness followed by infrastructure facilities, training, access to quality ICT and Organizational support. Thus if these areas could be strengthened then the quality of work and performance could be enhanced by using ICTs.
Pages: 390-393 | 1528 Views 246 Downloads
Dr. T Srinivas, Dr. TV Sridhar, Dr. P Punna Rao and Dr. T Ramesh Babu. Factors effecting E-readiness of students and teachers in agricultural Universities of India. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(6S):390-393.