Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Special Issue 6 (2017)
A study on extent of adoption of Home Science Technologies in A.P
Kanthisri S Buraka and Sreenivasarao I
Home Science is a broad subject that includes of positive attitude towards developing the family, acquiring knowledge, skill and service concerned with all available resources by adopting developed technologies. Home Science strengthens every area of women life, to support her family and empower herself in all aspects by adopting livelihood technologies. Home Science technologies supports to quality and wealthy life with good health for all people with planned dietary techniques and technologies like fruit and vegetable preservation. A study was conducted in three randomly selected districts of Andhra Pradesh with sample size of 270 Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) trained respondents with an objective to study extent of adoption of Home Science Technologies by rural women in A.P. Adoption level was measured in seven different areas – Value addition to millets. Nutrition garden, Fruit & Vegetable preservation, Tailoring & Embroidery, Seed bag technology, Vermicompost technology and Backyard poultry. The study revealed that average adoption scores obtained by respondents were medium. nutrition garden was in first place with followed by backyard poultry and vermicompost technology were highly adopted technologies. age, education socio economic status and media usage, value orientation and input availability of the respondents was positively related with the extent of adoption of home science technologies. value orientation and age were positively contributing to the extent of adoption of the respondents.
Pages: 419-422 | 1935 Views 371 Downloads
Kanthisri S Buraka and Sreenivasarao I. A study on extent of adoption of Home Science Technologies in A.P. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(6S):419-422.