Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Special Issue 6 (2017)
Barriers in efficient functioning of mobile phone by the farmers of Faizabad district
RK Singh, M Singh, P Singh, CK Singh, AP Singh and VK Singh
This study conducted in the Milkipur tehsil of Faizabad district, Uttar Pradesh to know the barriers and remedial measures to overcome the barriers in usage of mobile phones by the respondents for the agricultural year 2015-16. Selection of the respondents had done by simple random sampling method and 25 respondents from each village had taken to make a total sample size of 250 from the list of ten purposively selected villages for collection of primary data. A well structured and pretested interview schedule was done for collection of data through personal interview method. The study indicates the major constraints like poor connectivity of network (2.91), mobile phones are too expensive to buy and run (2.64) and lack of knowledge about working system of mobile phones (2.55) which undertaken by the researcher as close ended questions after pretested survey.
Pages: 729-734 | 1380 Views 251 Downloads
RK Singh, M Singh, P Singh, CK Singh, AP Singh and VK Singh. Barriers in efficient functioning of mobile phone by the farmers of Faizabad district. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(6S):729-734.