Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Special Issue 6 (2017)
Growth, development and yield response of rice (Oryza sativa L.) as influenced by efficient nitrogen management under subtropical climatic condition
Rohit Kumar, Adesh Singh, RB Yadav, Atin Kumar, Shubham Kumar, UP Shahi and Avdhesh Pratap Singh
Globally, the current important concern is to minimize nitrogen use in rice cultivation under climate change condition. A field experiment in randomized block design (RBD) with three replications was conducted during
kharif season of 2015 at Crop Research Center of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture and Technology Meerut U.P. to determine the effects of ten treatments of different nitrogen splits application on growth physiological traits and yield of rice. Results of growth analysis indicated that, increasing the splits off nitrogen caused the increment of growth indexes (pant height, tillers, DM, LAI, CGR, RGR, NAR, photosynthetic rate), yield and protein content of rice. The growth characters (CGR during 90 DAT ) 3.3%, as compared to T2, (NAR) 22.12 and 7.08 %, (photosynthetic rate)17.5 and 18.2 % as compared to the control during 30-60 and 60- 90 DAT, respectively and grain yield 60 kg over the T2 (1/2 N as basal, 1/4 at tillering and 1/4 panicle initiation stage) signifi cantly increased with the application of nitrogen as 1/4 N as basal, 1/4 at tillering, 1/4 panicle initiation and 1/4 milking (T3). In modern agriculture, efficient N management is a key component to improve growth indexes and sustain crop productivity while maintaining environmental quality
Pages: 791-797 | 1676 Views 373 Downloads
Rohit Kumar, Adesh Singh, RB Yadav, Atin Kumar, Shubham Kumar, UP Shahi and Avdhesh Pratap Singh. Growth, development and yield response of rice (Oryza sativa L.) as influenced by efficient nitrogen management under subtropical climatic condition. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(6S):791-797.