Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Special Issue 6 (2017)
A comparative study on qualitative loss of wheat by keeping under different way of storage
Dinesh Rajak, Vishal Kumar, Subhash kumar and Niraj Kumar
A Comparative study on qualitative loss of wheat grain (Veriety-2643) performed through keeping under various kind of storage bags at ambient temperature storage of grains were mode in four different types of bags i.e. HSGB bag, Polyethylene bags, Plastic bags and Jute Bag. The freshly harvested wheat grains were observed by bio treatment (neem) or Chemical treatment (Aluminioum phosphide). Physical property like grain moisture content, colour index, water activity, damage of insect infestation (degradability) and percentage of germination were recorded for Nine months. Super Grain Bag showed least in it variation in grain moisture content (0.15), colour index (3.85) and water activity (0.085) while maximum variation were recorded in Jute sulphas i.e. 0.41, 6.98 and 0.19 respectively. Super Grain Bag showed maximum 88% germination while least 76% minimum was recorded in jute neem. Infestation of insect was found in all kind of bags except Hermetic Super Grain Bag
Pages: 859-865 | 1664 Views 403 Downloads
Dinesh Rajak, Vishal Kumar, Subhash kumar and Niraj Kumar. A comparative study on qualitative loss of wheat by keeping under different way of storage. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(6S):859-865.