Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Special Issue 6 (2017)
Effect of bio fertilizer with conjoined use of organic and inorganic fertilizer on yield and economics of short duration pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L.)
Prakash Yadav, DD Yadav, Vivek Yadav
The results of experiment from pooled table revealed that treatment F2 (30:60:30 kg NPK/ha +2t/ha VC+ 6t/ha FYM) in fertility level and B7 (Rhyzobium + PSB + PGPR) in bio fertilizer recorded significant high Yield attributes (pods/plant, seeds/pod, grains/plant, grain weight/plant and 1000-grain weight) The grain, straw, stick and biological yield increased by F2 (30:60:30 kg NPK/ha +2t/ha VC+ 6t/ha FYM) 15.34, 47.61, 22.45 and 84.81 in fertility level and B7 (Rhyzobium + PSB + PGPR) 15.13, 49.61, 22.48 and 87.26 in case of bio fertilizer, respectively. Maximum gross and net returns was found in F2 (30:60:30 kg NPK/ha +2t/ha VC+ 6t/ha FYM) Rs.106729.93, Rs.79260.3 in fertility level and B7 (Rhyzobium + PSB + PGPR) Rs.105523.66, Rs.74606.5 in bio fertilizer benefit: cost ratio maximum found in F3 (40:90:40 kg NPK/ha +1t/ha VC+ 3t/ha FYM) (3.90) in fertility level and B4 (Rhyzobium + PSB) (3.74) in bio fertilizer.
Pages: 915-917 | 1533 Views 278 Downloads
Prakash Yadav, DD Yadav, Vivek Yadav. Effect of bio fertilizer with conjoined use of organic and inorganic fertilizer on yield and economics of short duration pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L.). J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(6S):915-917.