Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 6, Special Issue 6 (2017)
Effect of different levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and Sulphur on growth and yield of Rajmash (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) Variety HUR 15
VK Singh, Chanchila Kumar, Manish Kumar, Diwakar Prasad Nirala and Rakesh Kumar Singh
In the experiment four level of nitrogen (30, 60, 90 & 120 kg/ha), three levels of phosphorus (0, 30 & 60 kg/ha) and two levels of sulphur (15 & 30 kg/ha) were tested. The experiment was laid out in double split plot design with three replications accommodating 24 treatments combination in total 72 plots, allocated randomly in each replication. Rajmash variety HUR 15 selected as test crop for experimentation. Nitrogen at the rate of 120 kg/ha proved significantly superior to 90, 60 and 30 kg/ha in respect of all growth and yield attributes which recorded highest grain yield 13.59 q/ha. Higher level of phosphorus i.e. 60 kg/ha proved significantly superior to 30 kg/ha and control in respect of growth and yield attributes, which recorded highest grain yield 12.08 q/ha. Sulphur application proved beneficial in bringing about significant improvement in yield attributes. 30 kg S/ha produced highest grain yield 11.47 q/ha.
Pages: 1138-1141 | 2537 Views 1035 Downloads
VK Singh, Chanchila Kumar, Manish Kumar, Diwakar Prasad Nirala and Rakesh Kumar Singh. Effect of different levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and Sulphur on growth and yield of Rajmash (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) Variety HUR 15. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2017;6(6S):1138-1141.