Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 1 (2018)
Management of prevalent diseases of bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.)
Vijay Kumar, Anurag Kerketta, Anjani Sahu, Amrotin Teta and CP Khare
Four diseases
viz. downy mildew, powdery mildew, mosaic and leaf curlwere appeared during the course of investigation. The minimum days to first flowering (25.33 DAT), fifty per cent flowering (31.33 DAT) and first fruiting (29.67 DAT) and maximum days to fruit length (11.87 cm) and girth (5.43 cm), yield (108.96 q/ha) and benefit cost ratio (1:2.85) received from Seed treatment with seed pro @ 25g/kg + drenchig at first true leaf stage with seed pro @ 5% + spray of (imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 7.5 ml/15L + neem oil 0.2%) + (tebuconazole 50% + trifloxistrobin 25% WG @ 1g/l) + Fosetyl-Al @ 0.1% + (tebuconazole 50% + trifloxistrobin 25% WG @ 1g/l) + (imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 7.5 ml/15L + neem oil 0.2%) + Fosetyl-Al @ 0.1%.Minimum disease severity of downy mildew was recorded in treatment T5 (20.61%) i.e Seed treatment with (carbendazim 12%+ mancozeb 63% @ 3g/kg) + drenchig at first true leaf stage with (captan 70% + hexaconazole 5%WP @ 0.1%) + Spray of (tebuconazole 50% + trifloxistrobin 25% WG @ 1g/l) + (imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 7.5 ml/15L + neem oil 0.2%) + Fosetyl-Al @ 0.1% + (tebuconazole 50% + trifloxistrobin 25% WG @ 1g/l) + (imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 7.5 ml/15L + neem oil 0.2%) + Fosetyl-Al @ 0.1%. The highest disease severity was recorded in treatment T7 (Control)
i.e. 58.73%. The bitter gourd plants were free from powdery mildew in treatments such as T3 (Seed treatment with seed pro @ 25g/kg + drenchig at first true leaf stagewith seed pro @ 5% + spray of (captan 70% + hexaconazole 5% WP @ 0.1%) + (imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 7.5 ml/15L + neem oil 0.2%) + Fosetyl-Al @ 0.1% + (captan 70% + hexaconazole 5% WP @ 0.1%) + (imidacloprid 17.8 SL @7.5 ml/15L + neem oil 0.2%) + Fosetyl-Al @ 0.1%), T4 (Seed treatment with seed pro @ 25g/kg + drenchig at first true leaf stage with seed pro @ 5% + spray of (imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 7.5 ml/15L + neem oil 0.2%) + (tebuconazole 50% + trifloxistrobin 25% WG @ 1g/l) + Fosetyl-Al @ 0.1% + (tebuconazole 50% + trifloxistrobin 25% WG @ 1g/l) + (imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 7.5 ml/15L + neem oil 0.2%) + Fosetyl-Al @ 0.1%) and T5 (Seed treatment with (carbendazim 12% + mancozeb 63% @ 3g/kg) + drenchig at first true leaf stage with (captan 70% + hexaconazole 5%WP @ 0.1%) + Spray of (tebuconazole 50% + trifloxistrobin 25% WG @ 1g/l) + (imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 7.5 ml/15L + neem oil 0.2%) + Fosetyl-Al @ 0.1% + (tebuconazole 50% + trifloxistrobin 25% WG @ 1g/l) + (imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 7.5 ml/15L + neem oil 0.2%) + Fosetyl-Al @ 0.1%) were free from powdery mildew. The highest disease severity was recorded in treatment T7 (Control)
i.e. 6.46%.Minimum disease incidence of leaf curl and mosaic treatment T4 (Seed treatment with seed pro @ 25g/kg + drenchig at first true leaf stage with seed pro @ 5% + spray of (imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 7.5 ml/15L + neem oil 0.2%) + (tebuconazole 50% + trifloxistrobin 25% WG @ 1g/l) + Fosetyl-Al @ 0.1% + (tebuconazole 50% + trifloxistrobin 25% WG @ 1g/l) + (imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 7.5 ml/15L + neem oil 0.2%) + Fosetyl-Al @ 0.1%) 18.67% and 12.33% respectively. The highest disease incidence of leaf curl and mosaic was recorded in T7 (control) 30.33% and 54.33% respectively.Yield of bitter gourd ranged from 108.96 to 82.99 q/ha. Maximum Yield (108.96 q/ha) was recorded in treatment T4 i.e. Seed treatment with seed pro @ 25g/kg + drenchig at first true leaf stage with seed pro @ 5% + spray of (imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 7.5 ml/15L + neem oil 0.2%) + (tebuconazole 50% + trifloxistrobin 25% WG @ 1g/l) + Fosetyl-Al @ 0.1% + (tebuconazole 50% + trifloxistrobin 25% WG @ 1g/l) + (imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 7.5 ml/15L + neem oil 0.2%) + Fosetyl-Al @ 0.1%. The lowest yield was recorded in T7 i.e. control (82.99 q/ha).The cost benefit ratio was ranged from 1:2.85 in T4 to 1:0.27 in T2. the best cost benefit ratio was obtained by T4 (1:2.85) i.e. Seed treatment with seed pro @ 25g/kg + drenchig at first true leaf stage with seed pro @ 5% + spray of (imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 7.5 ml/15L + neem oil 0.2%) + (tebuconazole 50% + trifloxistrobin 25% WG @ 1g/l) + Fosetyl-Al @ 0.1% + (tebuconazole 50% + trifloxistrobin 25% WG @ 1g/l) + (imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 7.5 ml/15L + neem oil 0.2%) + Fosetyl-Al @ 0.1%. The least cost benefit ratio (1:0.27) was obtained when treatment T2 [Seed treatment with carbendazim 12% + mancozeb 63% (@ 3g/kg) + drenchig at first true leaf stage with (captan 70% + hexaconazole 5% WP @ 0.1%) + 6 alternate spray of seed pro (1%) and neem oil (0.2%)] was applied
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Vijay Kumar, Anurag Kerketta, Anjani Sahu, Amrotin Teta and CP Khare. Management of prevalent diseases of bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.). J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1S):26-35.