Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 1 (2018)
Evaluation of rice varieties and land races against paddy leaf mite (Oligonychus Oryzae) In North Western Zone of Tamil Nadu
P Thilagam and SM Jalaludin
Two field experiments were conducted at Regional Research Station, Paiyur during kharif 2014 and 2015 to evaluate the rice varieties and landraces against paddy leaf mite,
Oligonychus oryzae. Out of 40 rice varieties / landraces tested, twenty one varieties reported with Zero population of mites during Kharif 2014. During Kharif 2015, the lowest to highest mean mite population ranged from 0.75 to 17.25 No.s / leaf. During the initial period at 30 DAT, the highest population of mites was noticed in Paiyur 1 (21.0 No.s/leaf) and reduced to 9.5 No.s/leaf at the end of the period with the onset of North east monsoon. The results on categorization of resistance revealed that, out of 40 varieties / landraces tested towards rice mite imparts resistant to 35 varieties / landraces and the remaining 5 varieties / landraces contributes for moderately resistant. No variety was found susceptible against
Pages: 62-67 | 2376 Views 617 Downloads
P Thilagam and SM Jalaludin. Evaluation of rice varieties and land races against paddy leaf mite (Oligonychus Oryzae) In North Western Zone of Tamil Nadu. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1S):62-67.