Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 1 (2018)
Characterizations, classifications and soil site suitability evaluation of soils of farm College of Agriculture, Latur, Maharashtra
Chadar BR, Vaidya PH, Kachave RR and Aundhakar AV
The soils of Farm, College of Agriculture, Latur were shallow to moderately deep, very dark gray (10 YR 3/1) to dark brown (10YR 3/3) in colour, granular to sub-angular blocky in structure, silty clay loam to clay in texture. The bulk density of soils varied from 1.24 to 1.79 Mg m
The Plant available water capacity of soils varied from 58.29 to 228.0 mm and it was found to increase with depth of soil. The soils are slightly to moderately alkaline in reaction (7.6 to 8.51). The electrical conductivity of the soil is < 1.0 dSm
-1. The organic carbon content in soils is low to moderate and varied from 0.12 to 0.80 per cent. The calcium carbonate content varied from 7.5 to 21.4 per cent up to 30 cm soil depth and and 12.2 to 45.6 per cent at 30 to 150 cm depth of soil indicated that soils are moderate to highly calcareous in nature. The CEC of soil varied from 31.30 to 63.30 cmol (p
+) kg
-1. Calcium is the dominanat cation followed by magnesium, sodium and potassium in all profiles. The base saturation per cent varied from 93.47 to 98.89 per cent. The soils of the study area classified as Typic Ustorthents, Calcic Haplustepts, Vertic Haplustepts and Calcic Haplusterts, respectively. In Typic Ustorthents soils currently not suitable (N1) for soybean and pigeon pea due to limitation of soil depth, calcium carbonate, PAWC and soil pH. Where as in Calcic Haplustepts currently not suitable (N1) to moderatly suitable (S2) due to severe limitation of calcium carbonate, soil depth and soil pH. Vertic Haplustepts soils were marginal (S3) to moderately suitable (S2) and Calcic Haplusterts soils were highly (S1) to moderately suitable (S2) for soybean and pigeon pea due to limitation of calcium carbonate, soil depth, drainage and soil pH.
Pages: 166-170 | 2601 Views 767 Downloads
Chadar BR, Vaidya PH, Kachave RR and Aundhakar AV. Characterizations, classifications and soil site suitability evaluation of soils of farm College of Agriculture, Latur, Maharashtra. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1S):166-170.