Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 1 (2018)
Irrigation status, issues and management in Andhra Pradesh
Dr. V Prasuna, Dr. B Suneetha, K Madhavi, Dr. GS Haritha and Dr. GR Ramakrishna Murthy
Water is a finite resource and managing water in days of rapid socio-economic growth and change is challenging. Irrigation is science of artificial application of water to the land in order to fulfill the water requirements of the crops throughout the crop period. Irrigation potential of Andhra Pradesh is 103.11 lakh acres out of 199.04 lakh acres of cultivable area. In the present study the data was collected from secondary data referring Agriculture Dash Board-Government of Andhra Pradesh, AP Water Resource board, websites and research journals. Andhra Pradesh has one of the largest irrigated areas. With a gross irrigated area of 6.28 m. ha, the state accounts for nearly 7.3 per cent of the total irrigation in the country. Groundwater is the major source of irrigation in the state, with nearly 49 per cent of the net irrigation is from wells and tube wells. The rest of the irrigation is from sources such as canals, tanks and other sources. The major irrigation issues identified in the state are over exploitation of ground water resources, deteriorating groundwater quality and climate change. Management strategies proposed for these issues are finding alternate sources of water, repair, renovation, and restoration of water bodies, basin management, water efficient technological solutions, water conservation measures, water shed management, conjunctive use of surface and ground water, contingency crop planning for the project area, resilience and adaptation to climate change and enhanced co-ordination among agencies such as State Pollution Control Board, Industrial Development Corporation, State Finance Corporation, Irrigation Department, Panchayatraj Department, Ground Water Department, and some other non-Governmental Agencies. Major Medium Irrigation Projects working in Andhra Pradesh are 95 projects. Andhra Pradesh is undergoing a dramatic shift in the irrigational pattern moving from large scale surface to ground water irrigation. Different programmes and irrigation projects being taken up can improve the irrigation status in India.
Pages: 304-309 | 6362 Views 4533 Downloads
Dr. V Prasuna, Dr. B Suneetha, K Madhavi, Dr. GS Haritha and Dr. GR Ramakrishna Murthy. Irrigation status, issues and management in Andhra Pradesh. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1S):304-309.