Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 1 (2018)
Change in behavioral components of rural women in terms of level of knowledge after receiving value addition training
Maya Kumari, Anita Kumari, Veenita Kumari, and Manish Kumar
The present study was conducted by the Krishi Vigyan Kendra Sahibganj Jharkhand with an attempt to know the change in behavior in terms of knowledge of rural women. Three training programme were organized from 2014-2015 to 2016-17 on value addition of locally available fruits and vegetables and forest products. Thirty rural women from each training programme were selected and total sample for the study was 90. The data were collected with the help of interview schedule. A knowledge test was developed to ascertain the knowledge of the women on traditional food processing practices. The gain in knowledge was operationalzed as the difference between the knowledge regarding various aspects of post harvest practices by the respondents before and after the exposure of training. Thus, the summation of all score treated as the knowledge of the respondents at pre-exposure state. Similarly, post-training knowledge score was calculated separately. The study also revealed that Krishi Vigyan Kendra can play an important role in transforming rural India. It is important institutional mechanism for training and promotion of appropriate technology. This selected Krishi Vigyan Kendra had made a significant effect on enhancement of the knowledge of farmers on raw material, record keeping, preservation technique, quality control and food processing machine. Adequate knowledge on these aspects are prerequisite for value addition and post-harvest management.
Pages: 463-465 | 1380 Views 249 Downloads
Maya Kumari, Anita Kumari, Veenita Kumari, and Manish Kumar. Change in behavioral components of rural women in terms of level of knowledge after receiving value addition training. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1S):463-465.