Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 1 (2018)
Changing pattern of chlorophyll content and carotenoid in different flushes of five litchi varieties
Neha Kumari, Sareeta Nahakpam and Ruby Rani
Litchi is one of the fascinating fruit crops due to its high demand and export potentiality. Enhancing its productivity is one of the great achievements. Increasing photosynthetic activity through exploiting photosynthetic components are major target. The carotenoid and chlorophyll content are considered to be one of the major indicative of the physiology and phenology of plants. Therefore the present work has been shaped to analysed photosynthetic activity at chlorophyll level at initial stage of flush emergence. Five varieties like Purbi, Bedana, Shahi, China and Dehrarose have been taken as study materials for quantification of chlorophyll content in leaves of three different flush. Chlorophyll is directly related with photosynthetic efficiency of plants and it makes an indirect estimation of possible nutrient status in crop plants. Data were analysed and result revealed variation in chlorophyll content and carotenoids among the varieties and also in different flushes. Bedana showed highest in chlorophyll‘a’ (1.01 mg g
-1 fr wt), b (0.59 mg g
-1 fr wt) and total chlorophyll (1.8 mg g
-1 fr wt) as compared to rest of the variety studied whereby China showed lowest. Second, highest chlorophyll ‘a’content was noticed in Dehrarose, Chlorophyll ‘b’ was highest in Bedana. In early variety like Shahi the chlorophyll content showed maximum in the first flush than from the second and third flush. However, in the mid variety like purbi and Bedana chlorophyll content showed maximum in third and first flush as compared to all three flush as well as in late variety like China and Dehrarose chlorophyll content showed maximum in second flush as compared to first and third flush. Carotenoid content was also measured maximum in Bedana (0.12 mg g
-1 fr wt) followed by Shahi (0.11 mg g
-1 fr wt), Dehrarose (0.087 mg g
-1 fr wt), Purbi (0.079 mg g
-1 fr wt) and China (0.056mg g
-1 fr wt).
Pages: 719-722 | 1846 Views 613 Downloads
Neha Kumari, Sareeta Nahakpam and Ruby Rani. Changing pattern of chlorophyll content and carotenoid in different flushes of five litchi varieties. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1S):719-722.