Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 1 (2018)
Socio-economic characteristics of selected soybean growers in Hingoli district of Maharashtra
Perke DS, SR Nagargoje and PS Singarwad
Present study was designed to Socio economic characteristics of selected soybean growers in Hingoli district of Maharashtra. List of farmer soybean growers was collected from revenue record of each village and from each village ten cultivator’s growing soybean will be selected constituting a total sample size 120. Socio-economic characteristic of soybean grower, the majority of respondents were in 30 to 45 years age group 52.50 per cent whereas 17.50 per cent belonged to up to 30 years age group and 30.00 per cent belonged to above 45 years age group. In respect of educational status 72.50 per cent respondents were attended high school and 15.00 per cent were educated up to college level, whereas 12.50 per cent respondents were non-literate. Average size of family was 5 and 67.50 per cent respondents reported that they had (Primary) agriculture as a main occupation. Average size of holding of soybean growers was 2.83 ha of which net sown area were 2.67 ha. The percentage of irrigated area to total area was 28.27 per cent while percentage of rainfed area was 66.07 per cent. The cropping intensity was 145.69 per cent. The average area under soybean was 1.70 ha respectively. The gross cropped area was 3.89 hectares.
Pages: 980-982 | 1579 Views 431 Downloads
Perke DS, SR Nagargoje and PS Singarwad. Socio-economic characteristics of selected soybean growers in Hingoli district of Maharashtra. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1S):980-982.