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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Vol. 7, Special Issue 1 (2018)

Characterization, classification and evaluation of cotton growing soils of Nanded District, Maharashtra


MK Ghode, PH Vaidya, AS Dhawan and SA Adkine

Seven representative soil profiles from different physiographic unit of Nanded district were characterized and classified. The cotton growing soils of Nanded district are shallow to deep, black (10 YR 2.5/1) to very pale brown (10 YR 7/4) in colour, granular to angular blocky in structure, loam to clay in texture (13.4 to 70.77 %). The bulk density of these soils varied from1.29 to 1.88 Mgm-3, PAWC varied from 101.3 to 366.2 mm and saturated hydraulic conductivity varied from 1.30 to 23.10cm hr-1. The soils are slightly to moderately alkaline in nature (pH7.2 to 8.5), the electrical conductivity varied from 0.1 to 0.4 dSm-1. Low to high in organic carbon (0.1 to 0.9%) whereas low to very high in calcium carbonate content (5.3 to 36.1 %) and high in cation exchange capacity (35.40 to 66.30 cmol (P+) kg-1). The calcium was the dominant cation fallowed by magnesium, sodium and potassium. The base saturation percent was 74.89 to 99.70 percent. The fertility status of cotton growing soils of Nanded district was low to high. Taxonomically these soils were classified as Typic Ustorthents, Typic Haplustepts and Typic Haplusterts and Calcic Haplusterts. The soil-site suitability indicated that the Typic Ustorthents soils were marginally suitable were as Typic Haplustepts were moderately suitable and Typic Haplusterts soils were highly suitable for cotton crop.

Pages: 1221-1225  |  1760 Views  486 Downloads

How to cite this article:
MK Ghode, PH Vaidya, AS Dhawan and SA Adkine. Characterization, classification and evaluation of cotton growing soils of Nanded District, Maharashtra. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1S):1221-1225.

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