Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 1 (2018)
Knowledge and its relationship with profile characteristics of the agricultural students towards computer usage
Priyanka, DD Suradkar and SS Pudke
The study was conducted in Parbhani and Latur districts of Marathwada region. Population for the study comprised of students who were undergraduate of Agricultural students in Parbhani and Latur district. From each district one agricultural college were selected for the survey. From each college 60 students (30 boys & 30 girls) were selected and the total sample size was one hundred and twenty. This required sample size was selected through purposive random sampling method. One shot case study method of ex-post-facto medium research design was adopted for this study. Data was coded, tabulated, analysed and interpreted using suitable statistical parameters. The results showed that majority of the students 45.83 per cent had high level of knowledge and 43.34 per cent of the students had medium level of knowledge towards computer usage and independent variables like professional education, family education, family occupation and extent of computer use had positively significant with knowledge of students. Independent variables were interpreted and analyzed with knowledge by regression and results showed that professional education, family occupation and extent of computer usage had positive and significant effect on knowledge of respondents towards computer usage. The result showed that respondents were faced some major problems in computer usage that lack of computer and internet facilities, irregular electricity supply and lack of time.
Pages: 1323-1326 | 1310 Views 223 Downloads
Priyanka, DD Suradkar and SS Pudke. Knowledge and its relationship with profile characteristics of the agricultural students towards computer usage. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1S):1323-1326.