Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 1 (2018)
Estimation of soil meso arthropods population in different manures
Salavuddin Mohammad and Patil RK
A lab investigation was undertaken during Kharif-2013 to estimate the population of soil micro arthropods in different manures like FYM, Enriched compost, Vermicompost, Urban compost, Goat manure, Poultry manure and Soil (as check). Different manurial samples were collected from June to December, 2013 among these manure samples extracted through berleese funnel and the population of micro arthropods. Total micro arthropods population more in poultry manure (88.37/100 g of sample) goat manure (79.87/100 g of sample) urbancompost (74.75/100g of sample) FYM (70.37/100 g of sample) vermicompost (76.64/100g of sample) enriched compost (70.70/100 g of sample) than compatred to all other manures.
Pages: 1383-1385 | 1389 Views 294 Downloads
Salavuddin Mohammad and Patil RK. Estimation of soil meso arthropods population in different manures. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1S):1383-1385.