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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Vol. 7, Special Issue 1 (2018)

Studies on physico-chemical properties of apple value added products


SR Kalam, KN Dahatonde, PB Kardile and VB Rajwade

The present investigation was undertaken in the Department of Horticulture, Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology & Sciences Allahabad. The experiment was laid out Complete Randomized Design with 10 treatments and 3 replications. The study was compared of one cultivar of Apple i.e. Maharaji and 3 Value additions (Pistachionut, Walnut and Chirongi nut). It was observed that T¬2 (Pisatchionut 10%) in apple cheese gave significantly best result in relation to TSS (79.880Brix), ascorbic acid (1.71 mg), pH (3.28), acidity (0.631), flavor (8.50), texture (8.50) and in organoleptic quality with higher benefit cost ratio (1.56).

Pages: 1439-1441  |  1421 Views  292 Downloads

How to cite this article:
SR Kalam, KN Dahatonde, PB Kardile and VB Rajwade. Studies on physico-chemical properties of apple value added products. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1S):1439-1441.

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