Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 1 (2018)
Study on effect of twin wheel hoe on efficiency and ergonomic parameters for farm women involved in soybean weeding
Deepali Bajpai, Sanjeev Verma and Vijay K Verma
The present study was undertaken in adopting village powarkheda block Hoshangabad of Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Hoshangabad for performing weeding efficiency of farm women by use of the twin wheel hoe. Reduction of women’s drudgery with the use of twin wheel hoe was asses in the term of energy expenditure. The ergonomic cost was calculated by measuring heart rate, energy expenditure, and total cardiac cost of the work. The results indicate that the 18.32 men/ha required by hand weeding with the use of khurpi whereas 10.84 men/ha rquired through twin wheel hoe with the total saving of 7.48 man/ ha and weeding efficiency was 545.60sqm /man/day and 922sqm/man/day respectively with less knee pain (13.33%).
Pages: 1656-1658 | 1890 Views 793 Downloads
Deepali Bajpai, Sanjeev Verma and Vijay K Verma. Study on effect of twin wheel hoe on efficiency and ergonomic parameters for farm women involved in soybean weeding. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1S):1656-1658.