In the present investigation, the field experiment and laboratory experiment were laid out in Factorial Randomized Block Design and Factorial Completely Randomized Design, respectively with three replications involving two varieties viz., (V1) Phule Vasudha and Phule Suchitra (V2). The seeds were treated with the combination of three microwave intensities (I1 - 20%, I2 - 30% and I3 - 40%) and durations of exposure (D1 - 30 sec., D2 - 40 sec. and D3 - 50 sec.) The microwave intensity stimulation treatments were applied before sowing of seeds. The observations were recorded on growth, seed yield and seed quality parameters. The seeds treated with microwave intensities and durations of exposure have significant effect on plant growth, seed yield, quality and biochemical parameters of
rabi sorghum under rainfed condition. Among the varieties, the variety Phule Vasudha revealed significant results than variety Phule Suchitra. The seeds treated with the microwave intensity of 30 % and duration of exposure for 40 sec. (I2D2) exhibited higher field emergence percentage, plant height, panicle length, panicle girth, number of seeds per panicle, 1000 seed weight, seed yield per plant, seed yield per plot, seed yield per hectare, and harvest index and also showed better seed quality and biochemical parameters viz., germination percentage, root length, shoot length, vigour index-I, vigourindex-II, enzymatic activities like proline content, glycine betaine activity, peroxidase activity, superoxide dismutase activity, Catalase activity and α-amylase activity. Whereas, the lower values were observed for days to field emergence, days to 50% flowering, and electrical conductivity of seed leachates followed by interaction of microwave intensity 30% for duration of exposure 30 seconds (I2D1) as compared to other interactions. Thus, it is concluded that the seeds of variety Phule Vasudha applied with 30% microwave intensity for 40 seconds duration of exposure exhibited superior field emergence percentage, successful establishment of seedling and also to get higher seed yield and better seed quality of
rabi sorghum under rainfed condition.
Warkad DP, Bhingarde MT and Shelar VR. Effect of microwave intensityon plant growth, seed yield, quality and biochemical parameters of rabi sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] under rainfed conditions. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1S):1593-1597.