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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Vol. 7, Special Issue 1 (2018)

Efficacy of different post-emergence herbicides application alone and in combination in wheat


Mohit Kumar, Roop Kishore, Sanjay Kumar and Sanskrita Bisht

A field experiment was conducted during rabi season of 2016-17 at Agronomy Research Station of Doon (P.G) College of Agriculture and Allied Sciences, Selaqui, Dehradun. The experimental soil was sandy loam in texture, slightly acidic in nature having medium in available phosphorus (21.7 kg/ha) and potassium (167.4 kg/ha) and low in OC (0.4%). Ten weed management practices, viz. clodinafop 60 g/ha, sulfosulfuron 25 g/ha, metribuzin 175 g/ha, carfentrazone 50 g/ha, clodinafop + metribuzin 60 + 105 g/ha, clodinafop + metribuzin 60 + 122.5 g/ha, sulfosulfuron + metribuzin 25+105 g/ha, sulfosulfuron + metribuzin 25+122.5 g/ha, sulfosulfuron + carfentrazone 25+ 40 g/ha, weed free and weedy were laid out in randomized block design with three replications. The results revealed that sulfosulfuron + metribuzin at 25 and 105g/ha application as post-emergence recorded significantly less weed biomass and higher weed control efficiency followed by sulfosulfuron + carfentrazone at 25 and 40 g/ha, clodinafop 60 g/ha along with metribuzin 105 or 122.5 g/ha and compared to the rest of the herbicidal treatments. The higher wheat yield of 5.51 t/ha recorded with the application of sulfosulfuron + metribuzin 25 + 105 g/ha which was at par with sulfosulfuron + carfentrazone 25 + 40 g/ha (5.46 t/ha), clodinafop + metribuzin 60 + 105 g/ha (5.23 t/ha), clodinafop + metribuzin at 60 and 122.5 g/ha (5.17 t/ha) and weed free check (5.61 t/ha), and significantly superior to rest of the treatments. The straw yield, effective tillers and 1000 grain weight followed the trend as wheat grain yield.

Pages: 1668-1670  |  1642 Views  461 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Mohit Kumar, Roop Kishore, Sanjay Kumar and Sanskrita Bisht. Efficacy of different post-emergence herbicides application alone and in combination in wheat. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1S):1668-1670.

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