Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 1 (2018)
Recent advances in lac production technologies
S Ghosal, KK Sharma, AK Singh and BP Singh
Lac is a source of nature resin of insect origin. Due to its few unique characteristics, it has assumes a definite place in industry. For sustained lac production in the country, there is need for developing farmer friendly technologies in one hand and dissemination of the same on the other hand. The Institute has already developed some important technologies, which are being transferred to farmers’ field. Screening and isolating Flemingia semialata as a bushy lac host is considered to be one of the salient achievements. Lac cultivation with this host can be integrated with general agriculture and farmer can reduce gestation period of hosts and drudgery as well. Crop protection against lac predators and pests is another field where insecticides like ethofenprox, fipronil, indoxacarb etc. have been screened out along with dose and frequency of application in lac production system. Development of agronomic practices suitable for lac culture is yet another field which this Institute has addressed. Crop geometry, fertilizer recommendations, weed control methodology, effect of different abiotic factors, host-insect interaction of different host plants under lac cultivation are some of the important factors which have been optimized for field condition.
Pages: 1598-1600 | 1766 Views 686 Downloads
S Ghosal, KK Sharma, AK Singh and BP Singh. Recent advances in lac production technologies. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1S):1598-1600.