Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 1 (2018)
Study the Biology of Lace Bug, Cochlochila Bullita (Stal) (Hemiptera: Tingidae) Under Ambient Laboratory Conditions
Nagendra Kumar and Anil Kumar
Present study envisages the result of studies conducted on biology of lace bug, Cochlochila bullita (Stål) in the laboratory; experiments were conducted during 2015-16. Under laboratory conditions eggs were laid by the female bug mostly singly but sometimes in groups also on the under surface and margin of leaves and tender shoots within the air chamber. The incubation period varied from 3-7 (mean 5±1.24) days. The nymph passed through five instars to complete the nymphal period. Newly moulted nymphs were pale brown in colour. Later on, the cuticle colour changed to brown to black. The first instar lasted for 2 to 4 (mean 2.9±0.73) days. The second instar occupied 2 to 4 (Mean 2.8±0.78) days. The third instar larval duration was for 2 to 3 (mean 2.3±0.48) days. The Fourth instar occupied 1 to 3 (mean 2.0±0.81) days. The fifth instar took 1 to 2 (mean 1.2±0.42) days for its development. The total nymphal period varied from 8 to 16 (mean 19.8±3.58) days. The total life cycle of C. bullita from egg to adult emergence varied from 11.0 to 23.0 (mean 19.8±3.58) days. Females were significantly larger than male with respect to body length. The female can be differentiated from the male by the presence of an ovipositor whereas male has a distinct genital capsule with hidden structure (parameres). The adult individuals reared in the laboratory survived for 27 to 36 days with average of (mean 33.7±4.78) days. Total life duration was recorded as: 38-59 (mean 50±8.39) days.
Pages: 1755-1760 | 1852 Views 595 Downloads
Nagendra Kumar and Anil Kumar. Study the Biology of Lace Bug, Cochlochila Bullita (Stal) (Hemiptera: Tingidae) Under Ambient Laboratory Conditions. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1S):1755-1760.