Spoorthi GS, Rajendra Singh, Khushyal Singh, Ritesh Sharma, Joginder Singh, Mahendra Singh, Anant Kumar and Vinod Kumar
The Bio control Laboratory, in Department of Entomology, S. V. Patel Univ. of Agri. and Tech., Meerut and field experiment at Basmati Export Development Foundation (BEDF), Meerut was conducted entitled “Study of life cycle of
Helicoverpa armigera (Hub.) on different artificial diet†were during
Rabi seasons of 2016-17. Chickpea flour diet is good for rearing of
H. armigera where it showed minimum larval duration, larval mortality, pupal duration and male emergence, and maximum weight per larva, size of larva, weight per pupa, female emergence and normal emergence followed by moongbean, chickpea leaves and pods (control) is good for rearing of
H. armigera larva. Whereas soya bean flour diet has maximum larval mortality and showed less suitability for rearing of larva compared to chickpea flour, moong bean flour, chickpea leaves and pods (control). Among all diets wheat flour diet is least suitable for rearing of
H. armigera where it has maximum larval duration, pupal duration and larval mortality and has minimum pupal recovery and normal emergence. Among 5 different diets, chickpea flour mediated diets along with other essential ingredients are found very conducive to get good quality culture of
H. armigera. Mungbean and soybean were the other main ingredients of diets that can be used for successful culture rearing
Spoorthi GS, Rajendra Singh, Khushyal Singh, Ritesh Sharma, Joginder Singh, Mahendra Singh, Anant Kumar and Vinod Kumar. Study of life cycle Helicoverpa armigera (Hub.) on different artificial diet. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1S):2071-2075.