Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 1 (2018)
Effect of integrated nutrient management on physical characteristics of Guava under Meadow Orcharding CV. Allahabad Safeda
Sudhir Jamwal, Saket Mishra and Sandeep Singh
An experiment was carried out during 2016 in the central field of Department of Horticulture Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture Technology and sciences, Allahabad (U.P) on three years old guava plants under Meadow orcharding cv. Allahabad safeda. The results revealed that the application of Azatobacter + (100% Nitrogen through urea) T
11, significantly influence the physical parameters of guava, Maximum increase in tree height (21.99%), canopy spread N-S direction (23.57%), and E-W (23.50%) were obtained with treatment T
11. whereas maximum number of fruits/tree (21), Maximum average fruit weight (190.10gm), Maximum fruit length (7.10cm), Maximum fruit diameter (7.15 cm), Maximum fruit volume (192.13), Maximum fruit yield/tree (3.99Kg),Fruit yield/ha (199.58 q) has been obtained with treatment T
14 Azotobacter + (75% Nitrogen through urea + 25 % Vermicompost)
Pages: 2076-2079 | 1807 Views 757 Downloads
Sudhir Jamwal, Saket Mishra and Sandeep Singh. Effect of integrated nutrient management on physical characteristics of Guava under Meadow Orcharding CV. Allahabad Safeda. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1S):2076-2079.