Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 1 (2018)
Patterns of arrivals & price and constraints in marketing of chickpea in Madhya Pradesh
HS Kurmi, SS Thakur and RS Chouhan
This study was conducted to determine the relationship between market arrivals and prices of chickpea considered the base year and current year from the year 2004-05 and 2014-15 related to market monthly arrivals and prices were collected from the secretary, M.P. State Agricultural Marketing Board, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh and to identify the problems faced by the farmers and traders in that particular regulated market the required Primary data were collected from the 50 selected farmers and 20 selected traders in the selected regulated market through personal interview schedule during the rabi season 2015. As regards to monthly arrivals of chickpea, it is observed that in the selected regulated market the maximum arrival of chickpea was found to be arrived 30.30 per cent in peak season i.e. March and April while, 60.99 and 8.71 per cent arrivals was found to arrived in the mid and lean season respectively. In the month of August only 6.4 per cent of total arrival of chickpea was found to be arrived in the selected regulated market and this was might be due to lack of all-weather road. The price of chickpea was found maximum in lean season that is 104 per cent more than the average price (Rs2936.25/q) followed by peak period (94%) less and mid-season (102%) more which proved the law of supply that when the supply is more in the market, the price of the product found to be low. The lack of market finance was found the main constraint of the farmer’s followed by lack of facilities of insurances of produces, lack of grading facilities, lack of lodging facilities, inadequate weighing facilities, wastage and spoilage, delay in marketing process and problem of theft, delay in payment. The inadequate transport facilities were found the main constraint of the trader’s followed by inadequate storage facilities and irregularity in electric supply and availability of quality grain. The regulated markets are lagging in providing ancillary infrastructural facilities and succeeded in increasing their arrivals and economic efficiency but with high instability (variability). There is still lot of scope for better performance of regulated markets provided more ancillary infrastructural facilities are created in the yards and some important market specific constraint faced by farmers, traders and managements of regulated markets are removal
Pages: 2186-2188 | 1366 Views 325 Downloads
HS Kurmi, SS Thakur and RS Chouhan. Patterns of arrivals & price and constraints in marketing of chickpea in Madhya Pradesh. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1S):2186-2188.