Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 1 (2018)
Study of correlation and path analysis of elite finger millet germplasm (<em>Eleusine coracana</em> (L.) Gaertn)
Aradhana Suman, Supriya Surin, Ekhlaque Ahmad, ZA Haider, Savita Ekka, Ashisan Tuti and Elisama Xaxa
In present study the associations among yield components and their direct and indirect influence on the grain yield of finger millet were investigated. For this purpose, fifty five finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.) genotypes were tested using an augmented randomized complete block experimental design. The correlation study revealed that flag leaf area, effective tiller per plant, ear per plant, days to maturity, biomass yield per plant, harvest index and 1000-seed weight recorded significant positive correlation with grain yield per plant while negative and significant correlation observed with leaf blast, neck blast and finger blast at phenotypic level. Phenotypic path analysis revealed that harvest index, biomass yield per plant, Ears per plant, days to 50% flowering, plant height, 1000-seed weight, fingers/plant, and flag leaf area to exert positive direct effects on grain yield, while finger blast, effective tillers per plant, leaf blast, finger length and days to maturity exhibited negative direct effects. Thus, the correlation analysis showed flag leaf area, effective tiller per plant, ear per plant, days to maturity, biomass yield per plant, harvest index and 1000-seed to be important yield components that can be used to improve the yield potential of finger millet genotypes.
Pages: 2256-2258 | 1573 Views 379 Downloads
Aradhana Suman, Supriya Surin, Ekhlaque Ahmad, ZA Haider, Savita Ekka, Ashisan Tuti and Elisama Xaxa. Study of correlation and path analysis of elite finger millet germplasm (<em>Eleusine coracana</em> (L.) Gaertn). J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1S):2256-2258.