A study was conducted on, “Existing crop productivity of vegetables growing areas of Neelkantha Municipality of Dhading District, Nepal†for estimating productivity status of vegetable growing areas of Neelkantha municipality of Dhading district. Ward number 3 and 12 were purposively selected, with two land category; upland and lowland. Total 30 households were questioned (15 from ward number 12 and 15 from ward number 3) and 30 soil samples were collected from respective farmers using soil sampling auger at the depth of 0
-20 cm which was subject to lab test. Based on the laboratory analysis ward number 12 soil pH was found to be neutral (7.0), high in organic matter (4.42%), medium in total nitrogen (0.22%), high in potassium (333.38 kg ha
-1)and high in phosphorus (225 kg ha
-1). Similarly, ward number 3 soil pH was alkaline (7.8), high in organic matter (5.47%), high in total nitrogen (0.27%), high in potassium (347.71 kg ha
-1) and high in phosphorus (118.7 kg ha
-1). Altogether, 30 household soil sample was analyzed. Out of these 17% was slightly acidic, 33% was found to be neutral and 50% was alkaline. SOM of 10% of households was very high, 10% was high, 57% was medium, 10% was low and 13% was very low. Total nitrogen percentage of 13% of households was found to be very high, 27% was found to be high, 43% was medium, 3% was low and 14% was found to be very low. Available potassium of 17% of households was very high, 30% was high and 40% was medium, 13% was low. Available phosphorus of 63% of households was very high, 23% was high, 7% was medium and 7% was low. About 60% of farmers reported increasing trend of productivity. Likewise, 20% farmers reported decreasing trend of productivity and remaining 20% confirmed stagnant crop productivity trend. Commercially vegetable cultivated total areas were 8 hectares. Estimated total vegetables production of previous year was 100 tons worth 45 lakhs with an average cost of Rs. 45/ kg. Thus, the crop productivity of 30 households surveyed is 12.5 tons/ hectare. Majority of farmers claimed that the increase in production was due to the application of chemical fertilizers whereas farmers reported decreasing trend of vegetable productivity due to imbalance application of input like chemical fertilizers. Farmers reported the deterioration of soil fertility due to application of chemical fertilizer in an excessive amount. Thus, farmers were suggested to apply recommended dose of fertilizers for the enhancement of vegetable productivity. It was also suggested to the vegetable grower farmers to carry soil analysis periodically and continue addition of organic matters in the field.