Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 1 (2018)
Production and productivity of soybean as influenced by integrated sulphur management
Mirza IAB, Sirsath MK and Khazi GS
The field investigation entitled “Production and Productivity of Soybean as influenced by Integrated Sulphur management was conducted at farm, Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Latur. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design with nine treatments. Each experimental unit was repeated three times. Sowing was done on 5
th July, 2013 by dibbling the seeds at spacing 45 cm X 5 cm. Application of RDF + sulphur enriched FYM (on the basis of S @ 20 kg ha
- 1) +
Thiobacillus (T
6) recorded significantly higher growth, yield and quality contributing characters followed by application of RDF + sulphur enriched FYM (on the basis of S @ 20 kg ha
-1) (T
Pages: 2469-2471 | 1383 Views 241 Downloads
Mirza IAB, Sirsath MK and Khazi GS. Production and productivity of soybean as influenced by integrated sulphur management. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1S):2469-2471.