Cauliflower is one of the main vegetable crop grown in India. It is a rich source of vitamin B and protein. The area under cauliflower in Jharkhand is 18610 ha and average productivity is around 16 ton per ha. For higher yield and quality of produce genetic modification of seed in form of hybrid and partially modified microclimate through plastic mulching and drip irrigation is essential. A trail was conducted at PFDC farms, BAU to study the effect of drip Irrigation and plastic mulch on yield, water use efficiency of Cauliflower during November 2011 to February 2013. The treatment taken were T
1- Drip at 0.6 ET + Mulching, T
2- Drip at 0.6 ET +without Mulching, T
3- Drip at 0.8 ET + Mulching, T
4- Drip at 0.8 ET + without Mulching, T
5- Drip at 1.0 ET + Mulching, T
6- Drip at 1.0 ET + without Mulching, T
7- Conventional method of irrigation + without Mulching. The highest yield was observed in the treatment Drip at 1.0 ET with mulch (T
5) which was significantly superior to all other treatments. However water productivity was highest for 0.6 ET with mulch (T
1) followed by 0.8 ET with Mulch (T
3) at 0.37 and 0.35 Kg/litre of water. Mulches have effected moderation of soil temperature across all treatments. Soil temperature was increased by an average degree in month January and February while there was a reduction on around 2 degree in March. The cultivation of cauliflower through drip irrigation with black plastic mulch (25 micron) increases the productivity and quality of produce with added benefit of water saving.
Mintu Job, DK Rusia, Dinmani and Vikas Kumar Singh. Effect of drip irrigation and plastic mulch on yield, water use efficiency of cauliflower. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1S):2556-2560.