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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Vol. 7, Special Issue 1 (2018)

A scale to measure digital empowerment of students


Kirti and Dipak De

In the span of a single decade new media like the Internet and mobile telephones have revolutionized media cultures around the world. With the growing convergence of radio, TV and computer solutions, including the emergence of various hybrids and specializations, we see how a variety of electronic media, information and communication is gradually becoming common goods. The academic organizations, like universities in particular have good prospect to exploit the full potential of ICTs in research, class room teaching and learning innovatively. Since the use of ICTs in the academic activities has now omnipresent so, students should always be prepared to make full use of digital devices and enhancing the ability to use the digital contents. So the students should be raised as individuals furnished with digital empowerment so that they become efficient in this multi-dimensional digital world. Hence, a scale on digital empowerment has been developed based on summated rating (likert technique). Digital empowerment is operationally defined as “a process through which an individual is making fit to the digital technology and harvesting the maximum potentials of the technology with reference to Psychological, Legal, Economical, and Technical competency".The scale consists of thirty nine items under the sub category namely psychological (4items), legal (3items), economical (9items) and technical competency (23items) based on item correlation technique.

Pages: 2596-2599  |  2666 Views  1493 Downloads

How to cite this article:
Kirti and Dipak De. A scale to measure digital empowerment of students. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1S):2596-2599.

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