Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 1 (2018)
Effect of application of chemicals on qualitative characters of cape-gooseberry
Izhar Alam, Ashok Kumar, Maya Kumari and Banshidhar Mohan Kumar
The present study was conducted in the Department of Horticulture (Fruit) at Bihar Agricultural College, Sabour, Bhagalpur (Bihar). This study was done to see the effect of Nitrogen & growth regulators (Gibberellic acid and Ethrel) on the qualitative characters of Cape-gooseberry (Physalis peruviana Linn.). Nitrogen and Two important plant growth substances viz; Ethelene and Gibberellic acid (GA) in different concentrations were utilized for studying their effect on improving the quality of Cape-gooseberry. The experimental plot for the study was statistically laid-out in the field adopting randomized block design with 7 treatments replicated thrice. There were altogether 21 plots with treatments as T1- Urea 1.0%, T2- Urea 1.5%, T3- GA3 20 ppm, T4- GA3 30 ppm, T5- Ethrel 200 ppm, T6- Ethrel 250 ppm and T7- Control (Water spray). The seedlings were transplanted with row to row and plant to plant distance of 60 x 60 cm. Some additional seedlings were also transplanted in each plot for filling the gaps which arouse due to mortality of some seedlings and daily irrigation was provided till establishment. The study revealed that T.S.S. of fruit was found more with all treatments when compared to water spray. Maximum T.S.S. (14.98 °Brix) was recorded with GA3 30 ppm, which was statistically at par with GA3 20 ppm. The minimum fruit acidity (1.112%) was recorded with GA3 30 ppm spray which was statistically at par with Ethrel 250 ppm and Ethrel 200 ppm. Reducing sugar was more with all treatments when compared to water spray. The maximum reducing sugar (4.70%) was recorded with Ethrel 250 ppm which was statistically at par with Ethrel 200 ppm and Urea 1 per cent. Total sugar percentage was found more with all treatments when compared to control. The maximum total sugar percentage (8.62%) was found with Ethrel 200 ppm which was statistically at par with Urea 1 per cent, Ethrel 250 ppm, GA3 30 ppm GA3 20 ppm and Urea 1.5 per cent.
Pages: 2600-2602 | 1452 Views 344 Downloads
Izhar Alam, Ashok Kumar, Maya Kumari and Banshidhar Mohan Kumar. Effect of application of chemicals on qualitative characters of cape-gooseberry. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1S):2600-2602.