Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 1 (2018)
Soil health, weed density and economics of rice as affected by crop establishment methods – a review
Reshu Bhardwaj, MK Singh, AK Singh and AK Tiwary
Rice is one of the most important food crop of South East Asia, particularly India, where more than 60% of the population consume rice as staple food crop. In Jharkhand, rice is conventionally grown by transplanting method. Direct seeding of rice is practiced in limited areas where water scarcity and labour shortage are limiting factors. When transplanting method of rice establishment was compared with broadcasted rice, transplanted rice showed better results in nutrient utilization, weed dynamics and economics due to optimum spacing and judicial utilization of inputs by the crops, however, among direct seeding methods, rice established through drum seeding, where inter spacing is maintained, had an edge over broadcasting of sprouted or dry seeds and was at par with conventional and mechanically established rice. This technique aids in reducing labour needs, investments on inputs, avoids drudgery, saves time by escaping the nursery operation resulting in timely sowing of crop and achieving desirable yield. The crop is also harvested 8-10 days earlier than transplanted rice. The present paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of transplanting and direct seeding methods.
Pages: 2691-2694 | 1396 Views 382 Downloads
Reshu Bhardwaj, MK Singh, AK Singh and AK Tiwary. Soil health, weed density and economics of rice as affected by crop establishment methods – a review. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1S):2691-2694.