Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 1 (2018)
Assessment of vocational training programmes on mushroom farming and p.h.t of mushroom organized for urban women of gamaharia block in saraikela kharsawan district
KVKs are always conducting skill oriented vocational training programmers on various topics in agriculture and in allied subjects. Through these programmes the participants acquire knowledge and skill for their self employment and income generation. 5 training and demonstration programmes conducted on mushroom farming 3 on PHT of mushroom for 150 urban women at KVK Saraikela Kharsawan in three years i.e. form 2015-2018. In order to evaluate these training programmes, the present study was undertaken to assess the gain in knowledge, adoption status of the enterprise, adoption status of the PHT of mushroom as enterprise and suggestions from the mushroom growers to enhance the entrepreneurship in mushroom farming. It was found that maximum adoption of 42% was observed during the year 2017-2018. Among the various practices of mushroom cultivation maximum knowledge gain (54.8%) was observed in variety of cultivation method. Diseases and pest management was least understood by the participants (21.4%) followed by crop management 38.5% and value addition 39.4%. Hence, there is need of more training program on PHT value addition and emphasis should be given on its entrepreneurial technologies for the ease of mushroom growers. As suggestions perceived by 55 mushroom growers, availability of quality spawn (40.2%), advance training on preservation and packaging technologies and marketing facilities (20.2%) were three major suggestions for successful development of mushroom entrepreneurship in Jharkhand. Under PHT mushroom pickle making as enterprise observe 3% followed by domestic purposes 20.9%
Pages: 2736-2739 | 1335 Views 261 Downloads
Kanchan Mala. Assessment of vocational training programmes on mushroom farming and p.h.t of mushroom organized for urban women of gamaharia block in saraikela kharsawan district. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1S):2736-2739.