Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 1 (2018)
Evaluation of wheat genotypes suitable for different nitrogen levels on growth, yield attributes and yield of wheat under rainfed environment in peninsular zone
Khairnar SS, Baviskar VS, Yashavantha kumar KJ, Raskar SS, Bankar DN, Bagwan JH, Gite VD and Honrao BKH
A field experiment, comprising three nitrogen level viz., 40, 60 and 80 kg/ha and seven wheat genotypes viz., AKDW 2997<strong>-</strong>16(d), UAS 446(d), HI 8777(d), MACS 4028(d), NI 5439, NIAW 1415 and UAS 375 was conducted at Experimental Research Farm, MACS<strong>-</strong>Agharkar Research Institute, Hol during 2016<strong>-</strong>17 to find out better performing genotypes at optimal nitrogen levels in changing climatic condition. The experiment was laid out in randomized completely block design (RCBD) with split plot arrangement comprising of three replications. Under different nitrogen levels, results indicate significant differences among plant height, earheads per m<sup>2</sup>, biomass and yield. However, in case of genotypes, all traits were found significant except plant stand count per m<sup>2</sup>. The interaction effect of nitrogen levels and genotypes was significant among days to flowering, days to maturity, plant height, TGW, earheads per m<sup>2</sup> and spike length. The maximum earhead per m<sup>2</sup> (305.0), grain (16.7 kg/ha) and biomass yield (50.9 kg/ha) was produced by NI 5439 genotype under 80 kg N/ha. Whereas, the genotype NIAW 1415 showed the maximum spike length (8.9 cm), spikelet per earhead (15.4) and grain per spike (41.1) with 80 kg N/ha. Higher 1000 grain weight was observed by genotype HI 8777 (45.9 g) followed by MACS 4028 (45.8 g) conjunction with 80 N/ha. The higher plant stand count per m<sup>2 </sup>was observed by genotype AKDW 2997<strong>-</strong>16 with no significant difference among different levels of nitrogen. From the study, it was concluded that, the genotypes NI 5439 and UAS 375 produced the maximum grain yield with application of 80 kg N/ha over other nitrogen levels in rainfed condition.
Pages: 2912-2916 | 1278 Views 262 Downloads
Khairnar SS, Baviskar VS, Yashavantha kumar KJ, Raskar SS, Bankar DN, Bagwan JH, Gite VD and Honrao BKH. Evaluation of wheat genotypes suitable for different nitrogen levels on growth, yield attributes and yield of wheat under rainfed environment in peninsular zone. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1S):2912-2916.