Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Vol. 7, Special Issue 1 (2018)
<em>In vitro </em>evaluation of botanicals against <em>Colletotrichum graminicola</em> causing Anthracnose of sorghum
KA Rewale, RW Deshmukh, GJ Kale, AM Kadam, RP Bhosale
Effect of aqueous extracts (leaf, rhizome and bulb) of nine botanicals were tested evaluated <em>in vitro</em> (each @ 10 and 20 %) against Anthracnose of sorghum caused by <em>Colletotrichum graminicola</em> under <em>in vitro</em> condition. Among the nine<strong> </strong>botanicals tested were found fungistatic against <em>C. graminicola</em> and the results obtained on its mycelial growth and inhibitions. Results revealed that all the nine botanicals evaluated were found fungistatic against <em>C. graminicola </em>and recorded significantly reduced mycelial growth and increased mycelial inhibition of the test pathogen over untreated control. The mycelial growth was found to be decreased and its inhibition was increased with increase in concentrations of the botanicals tested. However, significantly highest average growth inhibition was recorded with <em>A. indica</em> (70.73%), followed by <em>Z. officinale</em> (62.58%), <em>A. cepa</em> (54.43%), <em>P. hystrophorus</em> (49.81%) and <em>P. pinnata</em> (42.95%).
Pages: 3083-3086 | 1402 Views 355 Downloads
KA Rewale, RW Deshmukh, GJ Kale, AM Kadam, RP Bhosale. <em>In vitro </em>evaluation of botanicals against <em>Colletotrichum graminicola</em> causing Anthracnose of sorghum. J Pharmacogn Phytochem 2018;7(1S):3083-3086.